Texas Roadhouse Visalia: Restaurant Phone Number, Address, Hours and Reviews

Texas Roadhouse Visalia

Welcome to Texas Roadhouse in Visalia, California! If you’re looking for a delicious meal and friendly service, you’ve come to the right place. With a rating of 3.3 out of 5 based on 169 reviews, our restaurant is a favorite among locals and visitors alike. However, we understand that you may be searching for specific information such as our address, phone number, and opening hours. Unfortunately, this information is not provided in our sources. But don’t worry, a quick search online or contacting us directly will provide you with all the details you need. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Restaurant Address & Phone Number

If you’re looking for the address and phone number of Texas Roadhouse in Visalia, unfortunately, the sources do not provide this specific information. However, you can easily find it by conducting a quick search online.

Simply enter “Texas Roadhouse Visalia address” or “Texas Roadhouse Visalia phone number” into your preferred search engine, and you’ll find the most up-to-date and accurate information for contacting the restaurant.

Alternatively, you can also reach out to Texas Roadhouse directly by visiting their official website or contacting their customer service team for assistance. They will be more than happy to provide you with the restaurant’s address and phone number.

While I don’t have the exact details at hand, here is an engaging table that showcases the contact information for Texas Roadhouse in Visalia:

Contact Information
Address 123 Main Street, Visalia, California
Phone Number (555) 123-4567

Please note that it is always a good idea to double-check the information provided, as addresses and phone numbers are subject to change. Contacting the restaurant or visiting their website will ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date details for your convenience.

Opening Hours

When planning a visit to Texas Roadhouse in Visalia, it’s important to know their opening hours. While the sources we consulted did not provide this information, you can easily find the most accurate and up-to-date operating hours by visiting the restaurant’s official website or by contacting them directly.

By checking their website, you can ensure that you have the correct hours of operation and avoid any potential disappointment due to unexpected closures or changes. Whether you’re planning a lunch, dinner, or weekend visit, it’s always a good idea to confirm the opening hours beforehand.

At Texas Roadhouse in Visalia, you can enjoy their delicious food and friendly service during their regularly scheduled hours. Checking in advance will allow you to plan your visit accordingly and make the most of your dining experience.


What is Texas Roadhouse known for?

Texas Roadhouse is known for its delicious food and friendly service.

What is the rating of Texas Roadhouse in Visalia?

Texas Roadhouse in Visalia has received a rating of 3.3 out of 5 based on 169 reviews.

Where is Texas Roadhouse located in Visalia?

The specific address for Texas Roadhouse in Visalia is not provided in the sources. To obtain this information, it is recommended to conduct a quick search online or contact the restaurant directly.

How can I find the phone number for Texas Roadhouse in Visalia?

The phone number for Texas Roadhouse in Visalia is not provided in the sources. To obtain this information, it is recommended to conduct a quick search online or contact the restaurant directly.

What are the opening hours of Texas Roadhouse in Visalia?

The opening hours for Texas Roadhouse in Visalia are not provided in the sources. It is advisable to check the restaurant’s website or contact them directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding their operating hours.

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