Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter: Ingredients, Price, Calories and Nutrition Facts

Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter

Are you a fan of the mouthwatering Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter? This delectable condiment is known for its irresistible taste and creamy texture. In this article, we will delve into the ingredients, price, calories, and nutrition facts of this beloved butter. So, let’s get started!

When it comes to the ingredients, Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter is made with a heavenly blend of butter, powdered sugar, honey, and ground cinnamon. The combination of these flavors creates a rich and indulgent spread that pairs perfectly with rolls and various other dishes at the restaurant.

As for the price, it may vary depending on the location. However, Texas Roadhouse often serves this delicious butter as a complimentary side, making it an even more enticing treat for diners.

Now, let’s talk about the nutritional information. Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter contains calories, fat, sodium, carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. The exact amounts of these nutrients may vary depending on the serving size. So, if you’re watching your calorie intake or have specific dietary needs, it’s essential to keep these facts in mind.

Stay tuned for the following sections where we’ll share an easy-to-follow recipe to recreate this buttery delight at home and provide storage and serving suggestions. We’ll also give you some helpful tips and variations to customize your Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter. Get ready to experience the homemade delight!

Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter Recipe

If you want to recreate the taste of Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter at home, you can make it using a simple recipe. The ingredients needed for the recipe include softened unsalted butter, powdered sugar, honey, ground cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. To make the butter, simply combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. You can adjust the sweetness of the butter by adding more or less honey according to your preference. This homemade cinnamon butter can be used as a spread on various baked goods such as rolls, toast, bagels, and more.

Table: Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter Recipe

Ingredients Quantity
Softened unsalted butter 1 cup
Powdered sugar 1/2 cup
Honey 1/4 cup
Ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon
Pinch of salt

To make the Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter, follow these steps:

  1. Place the softened butter, powdered sugar, honey, ground cinnamon, and a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl.
  2. Using an electric mixer, beat the ingredients on low speed until well combined.
  3. Increase the speed to medium-high and continue beating until the mixture is light and fluffy.
  4. Transfer the cinnamon butter to a jar or container and store it in the refrigerator until ready to use.

Now, you can enjoy the irresistible taste of Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter right in your own kitchen. Spread it on warm rolls, toast, or any of your favorite baked goods for a delightful burst of flavor.

Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter Recipe

Storage and Serving Suggestions

Proper storage and serving techniques are essential to maintain the freshness and flavor of Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy this delectable condiment for an extended period.


To ensure the longevity of Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter, it is advisable to store it in an airtight container. This helps prevent the butter from absorbing any unwanted odors and maintains its rich taste. Store the container in the refrigerator to keep the butter cool and preserve its freshness.

Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days. If you wish to extend its shelf life, you can freeze it in a tightly covered container for up to 6 months. Freezing the butter allows you to enjoy it even after an extended period, ensuring you always have a supply on hand.

Serving Suggestions

When it comes to serving Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter, there are numerous ways to enjoy its delightful flavors. Consider the following serving suggestions to make the most of this tasty condiment:

  • Spread the butter generously on warm rolls, savoring the perfect blend of sweetness and cinnamon.
  • Enhance the flavor of pancakes or waffles by melting a dollop of Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter on top.
  • Indulge in the creamy goodness by slathering the butter on a slice of toast or a bagel.
  • Take your sweet potatoes to the next level by melting Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter over them, adding a hint of sweetness.

Feel free to explore various culinary creations by incorporating Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter into your favorite recipes. From muffins to oatmeal, this versatile condiment adds a delightful touch to a wide range of dishes.

Storage Duration Room Temperature Refrigerator Freezer
Up to: 1 day 30 days 6 months

Tips and Variations

When it comes to making Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter, there are a few tips and variations that can take your homemade butter to the next level. First and foremost, it’s important to start with softened butter to ensure proper blending with the other ingredients. Softening the butter allows for a smooth and creamy texture that is easy to spread.

In terms of flavor, using high-quality cinnamon can make a noticeable difference. The distinct aroma and taste of premium cinnamon can enhance the overall profile of the butter and provide a more authentic experience. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different brands or types of cinnamon to find the one that suits your palate best.

Adjusting the sweetness

If you prefer a lighter or sweeter version of Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter, you can easily adjust the amount of powdered sugar and honey. Adding more powdered sugar will make the butter sweeter, while reducing the amount will result in a milder sweetness. Similarly, increasing or decreasing the amount of honey can also impact the overall sweetness.

Butter and margarine combination

If you’re looking to replicate the taste of Texas Roadhouse even more closely, consider using a combination of butter and margarine in your recipe. This blend can provide a slightly different flavor profile and texture that resembles the restaurant’s signature butter. Play around with different ratios of butter and margarine to find the balance that suits your taste buds.

By following these tips and exploring various variations, you can create a homemade Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter that is personalized to your liking. Whether you prefer it sweeter or lighter, with a hint of margarine, or with a touch of your favorite cinnamon, the possibilities are endless. So get creative in the kitchen and embark on a culinary adventure with this beloved condiment.

Enjoy the Homemade Delight

Making Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter at home allows you to savor the irresistible taste of this popular condiment whenever you desire. Whether you’re longing for its buttery goodness on warm rolls, fluffy pancakes, or freshly toasted bread, this homemade version is sure to satisfy your cravings.

With its creamy texture and the perfect blend of aromatic cinnamon and delightful sweetness, Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter is a true delight to accompany any meal or snack. Indulge yourself in the rich flavors and experience the homemade magic that comes from your own kitchen.

By preparing Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter yourself, you have full control over the ingredients and can customize it to suit your preferences. Adjust the sweetness by adding more or less powdered sugar and honey, or experiment with using high-quality cinnamon for an even more delectable taste.

So, gather your ingredients, follow the simple recipe, and get ready to elevate your dining experience with this homemade delight. Spread it generously on warm rolls, drizzle it over fluffy pancakes, or use it as a decadent topping for sweet potatoes. The possibilities are endless, and the satisfaction is guaranteed.


What are the ingredients in Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter?

Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter is made with a combination of ingredients including butter, powdered sugar, honey, and ground cinnamon.

How much does Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter cost?

The price of Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter may vary depending on the location. It is often served as a complimentary side with rolls or other dishes at the restaurant.

What are the nutritional facts of Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter?

Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter contains calories, fat, sodium, carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. The exact amounts may vary depending on the serving size.

How can I make Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter at home?

To make Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter at home, you will need softened unsalted butter, powdered sugar, honey, ground cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. Mix all the ingredients together until light and fluffy.

How should I store and serve Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter?

Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It can be kept at room temperature for a day or refrigerated for up to 30 days. It can also be frozen for up to 6 months. Allow it to come to room temperature before serving.

Are there any tips or variations for making Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter?

To enhance the taste, use high-quality cinnamon. You can also adjust the sweetness by adding more or less powdered sugar and honey. For a more authentic flavor, you can use a combination of butter and margarine.

How can I enjoy Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter?

Texas Roadhouse Cinnamon Butter can be enjoyed on rolls, pancakes, toast, sweet potatoes, and more. Get creative and experiment with different variations to find your perfect taste and consistency.

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