Texas Roadhouse Chili: Ingredients, Price, Calories and Nutrition Facts

Texas Roadhouse Chili

Welcome to our article on Texas Roadhouse Chili! If you’re a fan of hearty and flavorful chili, you’re in for a treat. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Texas Roadhouse Chili, including its mouthwatering ingredients, price, calories, and nutrition facts.

But first, let’s set the stage with an enticing image of this delectable dish:

What are the Ingredients in Texas Roadhouse Chili?

When it comes to the delicious Texas Roadhouse Chili, the key to its mouthwatering flavor lies in the carefully selected ingredients. This hearty chili is made with a combination of ingredients that come together to create a rich and satisfying dish.

The main component of Texas Roadhouse Chili is flavorful ground beef, which provides a hearty and meaty base. The chili is also packed with onions and tomatoes, adding a savory and tangy twist to the dish. To enhance the spicy kick, a generous amount of chili powder is added, along with garlic, cumin, salt, and pepper. These spices work together to create a robust and aromatic flavor profile.

To make Texas Roadhouse Chili, you’ll need the following ingredients:

Ground beef
Chili powder

With these carefully selected ingredients, Texas Roadhouse Chili is a flavor-packed dish that is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

How Much Does Texas Roadhouse Chili Cost?

When it comes to enjoying a delicious bowl of Texas Roadhouse Chili, one question that often comes to mind is, “How much does it cost?” The price of Texas Roadhouse Chili can vary depending on the location, but on average, you can expect to pay around $7.99 for a bowl of this hearty and flavorful dish. This price includes generous portions of ground beef, onions, tomatoes, chili powder, garlic, cumin, salt, and pepper, all simmered to perfection.

While the cost may seem slightly higher compared to other chili options, it’s important to consider the quality and taste that Texas Roadhouse Chili offers. The combination of premium ingredients and careful preparation results in a chili that is rich in flavor and texture, making it worth every penny.

So the next time you’re in the mood for a satisfying bowl of chili, head to your nearest Texas Roadhouse location and treat yourself to their delicious Texas Roadhouse Chili. You’ll not only satisfy your cravings but also get to enjoy the warm and inviting atmosphere that Texas Roadhouse is known for.

How Many Calories are in Texas Roadhouse Chili?

When it comes to enjoying a bowl of Texas Roadhouse Chili, many people wonder about its calorie content. A cup of Texas Roadhouse Chili contains approximately 250 calories. This hearty dish is a flavorful blend of ingredients that provides a satisfying meal option.

In addition to its calorie content, Texas Roadhouse Chili also offers other nutritional benefits. It contains 15 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 13 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of sugar, 17 grams of protein, and 800 milligrams of sodium per serving. Keep in mind that these values may vary depending on the serving size and any additional toppings or sides.

For those watching their calorie intake, Texas Roadhouse Chili can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a well-balanced diet. It’s important to be mindful of portion sizes and consider any additional ingredients or condiments that may contribute to the overall calorie content. Now let’s take a look at the complete nutritional facts of Texas Roadhouse Chili in the table below:

Texas Roadhouse Chili Nutrition Facts

Nutritional Facts of Texas Roadhouse Chili

Calories Fat Saturated Fat Carbohydrates Sugar Protein Sodium
250 15g 5g 13g 4g 17g 800mg

Nutrition Facts of Texas Roadhouse Chili

When it comes to enjoying a hearty and flavorful bowl of chili, Texas Roadhouse Chili is a top choice for many. Not only does it satisfy your taste buds, but it also provides essential nutrients. Let’s take a closer look at the nutrition facts of Texas Roadhouse Chili:

Calories and Macronutrients

One serving of Texas Roadhouse Chili contains approximately 250 calories. It is important to note that this calorie count may vary depending on serving size and any additional toppings or sides. In terms of macronutrients, each serving of Texas Roadhouse Chili provides 15g of fat, 5g of saturated fat, 13g of carbohydrates, and 17g of protein. These macronutrients contribute to the overall energy and nutrient content of the dish.

Vitamins and Minerals

Texas Roadhouse Chili also offers a range of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for your health. This hearty dish contains key nutrients such as iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Iron is important for oxygen transport in the body, while vitamin A and vitamin C support immune function and overall well-being.

Sodium Content

It is worth noting that Texas Roadhouse Chili is relatively high in sodium, with each serving containing 800mg. Individuals who are watching their sodium intake should be mindful of this and consider other options if they need to limit their sodium consumption.

Overall, Texas Roadhouse Chili provides a delicious and satisfying meal option with a range of nutrients. While it is important to enjoy it in moderation, incorporating it into your diet can be a flavorful way to meet your nutritional needs.

Table: Nutrition Facts of Texas Roadhouse Chili

Nutrient Amount per Serving
Calories 250
Fat 15g
Saturated Fat 5g
Carbohydrates 13g
Protein 17g
Sodium 800mg

Can You Make Texas Roadhouse Chili at Home?

If you’re a fan of Texas Roadhouse Chili and want to recreate the delicious flavors in the comfort of your own kitchen, you’re in luck! Making Texas Roadhouse Chili at home is definitely possible. There are numerous recipes available online that provide step-by-step instructions on how to make this hearty and flavorful dish.

One popular recipe for Texas Roadhouse Chili calls for ingredients such as ground beef, onions, tomatoes, chili powder, garlic, cumin, salt, and pepper. By following the recipe and carefully measuring out each ingredient, you can achieve a taste that closely resembles the original Texas Roadhouse Chili.

When making Texas Roadhouse Chili at home, feel free to customize the recipe to suit your personal preferences. You can adjust the spice level by adding more or less chili powder, or even experiment with different types of chili peppers for a unique twist. Don’t be afraid to get creative and add your own special touch to the recipe.

By following a tried and tested recipe, you can enjoy the flavors of Texas Roadhouse Chili without leaving the comfort of your home. So why not give it a try and impress your family and friends with a homemade version of this beloved dish?

Tips for Making Texas Roadhouse Chili at Home

When it comes to making delicious homemade Texas Roadhouse Chili, there are a few tips and tricks that can elevate your culinary experience. By incorporating these techniques and ingredients, you can recreate the flavors and heartiness of Texas Roadhouse Chili in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Browning the Ground Beef

One of the key steps in making flavorful Texas Roadhouse Chili is properly browning the ground beef. This process adds depth and richness to the chili. Start by heating a large pot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat and adding the ground beef. Break up the meat using a wooden spoon or spatula, and cook until it is browned and fully cooked. Be sure to drain any excess fat before proceeding with the recipe.

Using High-Quality Chili Powder

The quality of your chili powder can make a noticeable difference in the taste of your homemade Texas Roadhouse Chili. Opt for a high-quality chili powder that is packed with flavor. Look for brands that use a blend of various chili peppers, such as ancho, chipotle, and cayenne. This will give your chili a robust and complex flavor profile.

Adding Onions and Garlic for Flavor

To enhance the taste of your homemade Texas Roadhouse Chili, don’t forget to include onions and garlic in your recipe. These aromatic ingredients add depth and savory notes to the chili. Dice the onions and mince the garlic before adding them to the pot. Sauté them together with the browned ground beef until they are soft and fragrant.

Simmering for Flavor Development

One of the secrets to a flavorful Texas Roadhouse Chili is allowing it to simmer for an extended period of time. This slow cooking process allows the flavors to meld together and intensify. After you’ve added all the ingredients to the pot, reduce the heat to low and let the chili simmer for at least one hour, stirring occasionally. If time permits, you can even simmer it for longer to further enhance the flavors.

Follow these tips and techniques when making Texas Roadhouse Chili at home, and you’ll be rewarded with a hearty and flavorful chili that rivals the restaurant version. Enjoy the rich combination of spices, tender beef, and comforting flavors that Texas Roadhouse Chili is known for.

Enhance Your Texas Roadhouse Chili Experience

When dining at Texas Roadhouse and indulging in their delicious chili, there are a few ways you can enhance your experience. Consider adding some extra toppings to take your Texas Roadhouse Chili to the next level. Sprinkle some shredded cheese on top to add a creamy and savory element, or dollop a spoonful of sour cream for a cool and tangy contrast. For those who enjoy a bit of crunch, diced onions can provide the perfect texture. These toppings not only add flavor but also add visual appeal to your bowl of chili.

If you want to make your meal more substantial, pair your Texas Roadhouse Chili with a side of warm and fluffy cornbread or garlic bread. The combination of the rich and hearty chili with the buttery and aromatic bread creates a truly satisfying meal. The sweetness of the cornbread or the garlicky notes of the garlic bread complement the savory flavors of the chili, making each bite a delight.

When it comes to beverages, Texas Roadhouse offers a selection that can perfectly complement your chili. Cool down with their signature margaritas, which provide a refreshing balance to the spiciness of the chili. If you prefer something non-alcoholic, their lemonades are a great choice. The tangy and citrusy flavors of the lemonade can cut through the richness of the chili, cleansing your palate between bites.

By adding toppings, pairing with delicious sides, and choosing the right beverage, you can elevate your Texas Roadhouse Chili dining experience. Discover the perfect combination that suits your taste preferences and indulge in the robust flavors of this beloved dish.


What are the ingredients in Texas Roadhouse Chili?

The ingredients in Texas Roadhouse Chili include ground beef, onions, tomatoes, chili powder, garlic, cumin, salt, and pepper.

How much does Texas Roadhouse Chili cost?

The price of Texas Roadhouse Chili varies depending on the location, but on average, a bowl of Texas Roadhouse Chili costs around $7.99.

How many calories are in Texas Roadhouse Chili?

A cup of Texas Roadhouse Chili contains approximately 250 calories.

What are the nutrition facts of Texas Roadhouse Chili?

Texas Roadhouse Chili is a hearty dish that provides 250 calories, 15g fat, 5g saturated fat, 13g carbohydrate, 4g sugar, 17g protein, and 800mg sodium per serving. It is important to note that these values may vary based on serving size and additional toppings or sides.

Can you make Texas Roadhouse Chili at home?

While Texas Roadhouse Chili is a popular menu item, you can also try making it at home. There are many recipes available online that replicate the flavors of Texas Roadhouse Chili. By following these recipes, you can recreate the taste of Texas Roadhouse Chili in the comfort of your own kitchen.

What are some tips for making Texas Roadhouse Chili at home?

Some tips for making delicious homemade Texas Roadhouse Chili include browning the ground beef, using high-quality chili powder, adding onions and garlic for flavor, and simmering the chili for a longer period of time to allow the flavors to develop.

How can I enhance my Texas Roadhouse Chili experience?

To enhance your Texas Roadhouse Chili experience, consider ordering additional toppings such as shredded cheese, sour cream, or diced onions. Pair your chili with a side of cornbread or garlic bread for a complete meal. Additionally, Texas Roadhouse offers a selection of beverages to complement your chili, including their signature margaritas and lemonades. Enjoy the robust flavors of Texas Roadhouse Chili with these additional options to make your dining experience even more enjoyable.

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